Koytendag Nature Reserve


With mountains and caves, lakes and waterfalls, and an abundance of flora and fauna, the beauty of Koytendag will leave any visitor enamoured.

The Koytendag Nature Reserve is located on the south-western slopes of the Koytendag Mountain range, a spur of the Gissar Range of the Pamir-Alay Mountains which reach all the way to China. The reserve was created in November 1986 and covers an area of 27,139 hectares. The area covered by the reserve is of special interest due to the fact that it represents the main periods of Earth’s development, reaching back to the prehistoric period when dinosaurs roamed the land.

The reserve is well known for its complex cave systems as well as its various canyons and valleys, lakes, fresh water springs and waterfalls. The flora of Koytendag boasts 130 species of medicinal plants used both in folk and scientific medicine, and is home to eight species of plants that appear in the Red Book of Turkmenistan. Every colour imaginable is represented between the foothills and the mountain peaks from the red earth, the emerald green of trees; and the delicate pinks, yellows and blues of the wild flowers that grow throughout the region.

The plant and animal life in Koytendag is rich and diverse with around 1,700 species, many of which are endemic and which are listed in the Red Book of Turkmenistan. With such diversity the Koytendag Nature Reserve is undoubtedly one of the richest corners of Turkmenistan and there can be no doubt that this beautiful park will become a centre of pilgrimage for nature lovers the world over.
