
national independence park

迄今为止,阿什哈巴德被称为花园之城。即使在炎热的夏日,它也以新鲜和壮丽的绿色空间、恢复活力的喷泉流以及充满无数花香的空气而令人赏心悦目。 2000年后,城市公园和公共花园的数量已超过百个,并且每年都在持续增长。公园、公共花园和 300 多个喷泉群及其建筑杰作营造出当今阿什哈巴德的独特风格和魅力。


公园内有宽阔的小巷和风景如画的绿色草坪和原始的观赏植物。菊花、金盏花和马齿苋等美丽的民族图案在绿草如茵的地毯上显得格外迷人。公园内有许多树木(约 26,000 棵)。这片自然风光由许多水井、水库灌溉,水从这些水井进入总长度近 200 公里的滴灌系统。公园配件,包括装饰性桥梁、长椅、栅栏和原创灯具,为公园提供了独创性和表现力。


一个开放的圆形剧场位于公园的中心,用于举办国定假日的音乐会和庆祝活动。还有世界上最大的纪念碑之一,纪念该国第一任总统 Saparmurat Niyazov 的 Ruhnama 书。


The southern part of the park is dedicated to the history of Turkmenistan, the Turkmen nation and its statehood. Independence Monument, as a gilded arrow into the heavens (118 metres), embodies the idea of joy, freedom, and true independence. The foundation for the rapid development of the nation in the future is provided by the centuries-old history, full of glorious and dramatic events. The exhibits in the Museum of Independence of Turkmenistan demonstrate this history. The Museum is located in the massive base of the Monument, stylised as a traditional Turkmen yurt.

Independence Monument is one of the largest landmarks in the city, and the tallest building located in the parks of the capital. A wide marble alley leads to the Monument. The statues to the national heroes, who contributed to the strengthening of statehood and the protection of the Turkmen states in different years of the centuries-old history of the Turkmen people, adorn the alley. A statue to the first president of Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov, is built in the centre of the alley.

The Museum of Independence amazes with solemnity and richness of décor in the halls and attracts tourists. The exposition of the museum occupies two floors of the building. The first floor presents the history of the independent Turkmenistan, the country’s economic achievements, political relations, and Velayats. One of the most valuable exhibits here is a sketch of the State Emblem of Turkmenistan. The museum’s entire collection is unique. The exposition on the second floor reflects the earlier history of Turkmenistan and historical figures; special maps highlight the states founded by the Turkmen people and their geographical position. The Turkmen classical literature has a large place in the exposition. The museum exhibits ancient and modern jewellery, as well as ancient golden and silver coins. The major part of the museum collection was gathered in the years of independence. All of them demonstrate the connection between the past and the present, the traditions in culture and art, which have been passed down from generation to generation, and the place they occupy in the world culture.

national independence park
Independence Monument
national independence park
Independence Monument