Parzdepe – hill of the ages


The site of ancient settlement Parz-depe, located in 12 kilometres North-West from walls of New Nisa. Parz-depe consists of shahristan (city), citadel and suburb. The citadel (internal fortress) located in the centre of the hill on 2-3 meters over the level of the ancient settlement represents the rectangle of 45 × 50 m in size. Usual mountain stones and large bricks on clay solution construct the city wall with watchtowers framing it. The ancient settlement - the main part of a monument - represents the pentagon of 160 × 200 meters in size and the suburb surrounds all sides of the hill.

Parz-Depe (Parzdepe) - the oldest citadel, plundered and destroyed during the invasion of Genghis Khan in 1220. The artefacts found here - fragments of ceramics, stone and metal tools, implements - testify to the existence of life since the age of copper-stone V-IV millennium BC. Flint tools, fragments of ceramics with a predominance of geometric patterns, as well as plaster and clay spindle whorls, beads speak of the development of traditional crafts and a primitive economy. A separate part of the extensive ceramic collection dates back to the early Iron Age. Gilded pottery is another significant artefact probably brought by trade caravans following the Great Silk Road. That is the reason Turkmenistan is located at the crossroads of the "seven winds". Many exhibits found during excavations at Parz-Depe are in the museum of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography.

Non-stable military-political situation of region for many millennial has influence on defensive character of formation of the settlement. The traditional art of fortification found reflection, both in architecture of fortresses and separate buildings. Houses-farmsteads especially locate between them. In spite of the fact that time did not save many parts of these building to our days. However, enough material saved to reconstruct their primary shape by a comparative analysis with analogical building in nearby settlements. Currently, excavations and researches go on the site of Parz-depe.

The citadel