Nomad Fortress

The Nomad Fortress

The Nomad Fortress is located approximately 30 kilometres from the city of Kapchagai. The fortress is not a real historical place, but visitors passing through it feel like they are on a journey through history. That is, until being realized that buildings are made of wood and styrofoam. This artificial city has towers, fortress walls, residential areas and a mosque with a minaret, and these buildings are reminiscent of the 18th century. In addition, the best way to have a good view of the Ili River and its surroundings is to stand on the towers.

The city of nomads is a unique building, specially built in 2004 for the shooting of the cult movie "Nomad", located on the left bank of the Ili River in the Almaty region. With the participation of local and world cinema stars, "Nomad" - biography of Abilmansur (Abylay Khan), the future khan of the entire Kazakh Khanate, during the Kazakh-Dzungarian wars of the 18th century, the first Kazakhstani movie with a multi-million budget, was adapted from the second book of İlyas Yesenberlin's "Nomads" trilogy. Besides, the city of the Nomads can be seen in the movies "Day Watch", "Kazakh Khanate", in the video clip "Medina" and many other famous works.

The town was built specifically to show the way of life of the ancient Kazakhs as steppe nomads. At the time, this was a temporary home for actors during filming. Now, it is a famous tourist destination around Almaty and every year thousands of tourists flock to this touristic area. It is only 90 km from the city of Almaty and can be reached by car or bus.

The source of the architecture of the Nomad Fortress is hidden in the history of the nomads in the 18th century. The fortress was built according to the standards of those times. The forts of such nomadic villages were designed to act as a shield for the town against invaders. Outside the nomad city on the banks of the Ili River, you will encounter horses roaming the steppe. Horseback riding in the 'homeland of nomads' makes you feel like a real nomad. If you want to experience such feelings, visit the steppes in the ancient nomadic village near Almaty.

The Nomad Fortress
Gorod Kochevnikov
The Nomad Fortress
The town